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MAQSIMA LAB+ | Das LIMS ist ein leistungsstarkes LIMS - von Experten für Profis

LAB+ | invoice


The invoicing module of MAQSIMA LAB+ LIMS is a powerful feature, specifically for managing invoicing and invoicing in the laboratory was developed. It enables efficient and accurate

billing of services and offers a comprehensive solution for the Financial

management of the laboratory. ​


With the invoicing module, laboratories can easily and quickly invoice for services

provided Create services. It offers a user-friendly interface in which all relevant

information such as customer name, date of service Services and costs are clearly

presented. By automating the invoicing process, the error rate is minimized and

billing accuracy is improved.


MAQSIMA LAB+ | Invoicing enables the flexible adjustment of prices and tariffs for different customers or services. Custom price lists can be created that take into account different fees or discounts based on customer contracts or specific agreements. This ensures precise and transparent invoicing.

Das Faktura-Modul von MAQSIMA LAB+ LIMS ist ein leistungsfähiges Feature,  das speziell für die Verwaltung der Fakturierung und Rechnungsstellung im Labor  entwickelt wurde. Es
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