training and instruction
The regular instruction of employees on safety and health protection at work is one of the basic obligations of an employer according to §12 ArbSchG.
The instruction must be given when you are hired, when there are changes in the
area of responsibility, the introduction of new work equipment or a new technology
before the employees start work. The MAQSIMA sources
include the technical occupational safety measures as well
organizational measures, such as regular instruction, occupational medicine
Examinations or further training to maintain a qualification.
With the new module TMS | SU training and instruction, you can now do this too to plan, schedule and document. MAQSIMA TMS supports you in fulfilling your entrepreneurial obligations in the context of employee training.
In addition, with the help of MAQSIMA TMS | SU also depict the complete workflow from the employee's application for training, to approval by the supervisor, to the implementation and evaluation of the training and instruction measures.
The module is rounded off by a training and training needs plan that allows you to compare the current training status of your employees with the training needs.