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Die Verteidigungsindustrie ist bekanntlich eine der anspruchsvollsten und gefährlichsten Branchen, in der Mitarbeiter täglich mit gefährlichen Materialien und Werkzeugen arbeiten. Daher ist es von größter Bedeutung, dass die notwendigen Schutzmaßnahmen und -richtlinien eingehalten werden, um Unfälle und Verletzungen zu vermeiden. Eine effektive Methode zur Umsetzung dieser Maßnahmen ist die Verwendung von Software für Arbeitsschutz im Verteidigungssektor.  Wenn es um das Thema Arbeitssicherheit in der Verteidigungsindustrie geht, gibt es kein besseres Werkzeug als das Arbeitsschutzmanagement-System MAQSIMA TMS.


The defence industry is known to be one of the most demanding and dangerous industries where employees work with hazardous materials and tools on a daily basis. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that the necessary safety measures and guidelines are adhered to in order to prevent accidents and injuries. One effective method of implementing these measures is the use of occupational health and safety software in the defence sector.

When it comes to occupational health and safety in the defence industry, there is no better tool than the MAQSIMA TMS occupational health and safety management system.


MAQSIMA TMS offers a complete solution for the management of occupational health and safety and operational safety.


MAQSIMA TMS is an on-premise or cloud-based software that enables users to centrally manage and optimise their health and safety processes.

The functions of MAQSIMA TMS include a legal register, risk assessments, operating instructions, training and instruction and hazardous substance management. With these modules, risks and hazards can be recognised at an early stage and preventive measures can be taken to avoid accidents and injuries.

The MAQSIMA TMS user interface is extremely user-friendly and easy to operate. The software is also extremely flexible and can be customised to the specific needs and requirements of each company.

In short, if you are looking for a

Find out how MAQSIMA TMS is revolutionising the chemical industry. Our advanced technology management system provides a comprehensive solution for the efficient management of chemical processes, safety guidelines and compliance requirements. With MAQSIMA TMS, you can track the entire life cycle of your chemical substances, from storage to use to disposal. Optimise your processes, minimise risks and ensure compliance with strict regulations. Immerse yourself in the world of innovation and reliability with MAQSIMA TMS for the chemical industry
facility management
health care
contract laboratory
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